Hey everyone, and welcome back to my second blog post.

Today I’ll be discussing quick and easy ways to jazz up your hair that won’t last forever.

If you’re like me, then Winter blues hit really hard.. it’s cold, grey, I’m broke, that Christmas weight ain’t shifted so I’m looking at myself in the mirror and wondering how the heck I can inject spice into my life. WELL, myself and some fellow hairdressers have got together and come up with some perfect ways for you to jazz up your hair and get you Spring ready!

My first tip comes from yours truly. This tip is primarily for people with pre-lightened hair. The injection of fun comes in the form of PALE PINKS, PEACH and ROSE GOLD. These tones will only last a couple washes and are perfect for the client who is:

  • Nervous trying out something different
  • Wants something fun for a festival or night out
  • Can’t have fun hair at work but wants to do something spontaneous

Another fun fact about these tones is that they’re one of the most hashtagged colours meaning they’re super trendy!

For balayage clients, another great tip is to add a couple of highlights. Adding a sprinkle of highlights around the face will give an all round brighter feel to your hair!

This next tip comes from a great friend of mine and one of the hardest working people I know; @Georgiabellhair owns Twisted Scissors salon in Rotherham and once a week she travels down to London to help us out and learn at Not Another Salon. It’s so amazing to see such a successful and wildly talented person still so passionate about learning and growing.

"If your hair is already bright, a cool idea is to colour coordinate your clips or pins."

Georgia’s tip was, “A really handy little hack I like to use to spruce up a colour and that isn’t a permanent feature, is to use accessories. These could be anything from cute little pins to brightly coloured headscarves. If your hair is already bright, a cool idea is to colour coordinate your clips or pins. I find this can make your colour really pop, not to mention add an extra bit of quirk to your style.”

Another amazing tip for those of you with full head vivids, like myself, is to add a shadow root. I absolutely love my lime green hair but after a year of this colour, I really fancied a little change. So I applied a darker green just at the root and it’s made all the difference. It’s added depth and an all-around more expensive finish to my hair which fades out at the exact same rate as the rest of my hair!

The last tip comes from @liambradleyhair, not only is this man easy on the eyes ladies and gents but is an educator and salon owner who’s just bursting with passion. It’s so rewarding seeing a stylist who cares so much for his work and the industry.

"[Elixir] ensures the client's hair has the shine, strength and integrity."

This is what he had to say, “At Tony Wood Hairdressing we regularly get requests to how we can refresh a clients hair colour (usually the vibrants) however, as is with everyone’s lives these days, we don’t have 7 hours free to go through the same original process. With all the hard work completed in the previous appointment, sometimes an in-between service to tide them over works brilliantly. This service can simply be a toner that can be applied by an apprentice, this, in turn, gets them involved with colour application and is great experience for them! For example, a nice peach tone for the blondes that might have a bit of yellow that’s being exposed from a colour fading to a soft pastel violet for those lucky clients that have a clean blonde and no warmth. One thing we 100% make sure is that within this service we include an INNOluxe Elixir to follow up on their in-salon INNOluxe ReBond treatment. This ensures the clients hair has the shine, strength and integrity that is needed for these intensive colour services we do so often now in salon.”

I hope everyone has found this months post insightful and I wish you all a wonderful month. Mine will be spent in the salon all day, every day.

Love love,

